Ana Carolina Peuker, CEO of Bee Touch – Inovação em Saúde Mental, visits the United Nations in New York for the Conference on Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil

The event gathered national and international investors, UN agency representatives, and government officials to delve into the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our Brazilian Artemis Project member, Ana Carolina Peuker, CEO of Bee Touch – Inovação em Saúde Mental, was recently in New York for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil. The event gathered national and international investors, UN agency representatives, and government officials to delve into the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Bee Touch is the mental health company affiliated with the UN Global Compact in Brazil. At the event, Ana Carolina also represented the Movimento Mente em Foco advisory board, a collaborative initiative led by InPress Porter Novelli and supported by the Brazilian Psychology Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia). Their mission is to raise awareness about the crucial connection between mental health and sustainability.

Bee Touch provides innovative solutions for psychosocial risk management and corporate mental health. Their emphasis on digital solutions grounded in science and data ensures cost-effective care strategies that can revolutionize our approach to mental health.

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