Through sponsorship, Artemis Project engages with progressive Leaders seeking to distinguish their organizations in the mining and metals industry.
Increasing creativity and innovation is a strategic goal for Executive Leadership teams. Studies show that efforts to stimulate intrapreneurship within an established organization more often than not, fall short. According to research at Harvard on innovation models in global companies across diverse sectors,
breakthrough innovation projects fail between 70% and 90% of the time.
Organizations are looking for ways to accelerate breakthrough success through alternative channels. Currently, female entrepreneurs represent the fastest growing entrepreneurial segment and
are the least represented in mining supply chains. This gap represents an untapped commercial
opportunity as female entrepreneurs contribute significantly to the world economy; generating new
jobs, advancing innovation and spurring local development.
Artemis Project sponsorship provides mining organizations with the opportunity to increase revenue
sustainably with a multi-stakeholder approach and to lead the way for improved and genuine change in
the mining and metals industry.
Artemis Project success depends on industry sponsorships. We are very grateful for the innovative spirit and support from our first industry sponsors who recognized the opportunity to strengthen innovation through the fastest growingentrepreneurial segment.