Raquel Molina, the co-founder of Futuriste Innovative Technologies, presented an award at CES 2023 in Las Vegas/USA, the largest technology fair in the world. Raquel shared the stage with NASA…

Continue Reading Raquel Molina, the co-founder of Futuriste Innovative Technologies, presented an award at CES 2023 in Las Vegas/USA, the largest technology fair in the world.

5-Star Diversity and Inclusion Employers report emphasizes that culture and business values must be amended to reflect workplace inclusivity The 5-Star Diversity and Inclusion Employers report emphasizes that culture and…

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CIM Magazine publishes interview with Heather Gamble CIM Magazine article showcases Artemis Project disruptive innovation leadership and Heather Gamble successful nomination as one of the 100 Global Inspirational Women in…

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Welcome, 2023! We are ready to start an outstanding year with meaningful and positive results for our members and sponsors, advancing women entrepreneurs to reach their potential as leaders in…

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